
This section is where I’ll post primarily text based posts. (You know, like a blog.)

Mind you, they may not be high quality posts, but they will be primarily text based. (Like a blog.)

This category will contain posts about my life, things I’m interested in, research I’m conducting for my own pleasure, and even just fun memes I happen to find. Think of it more like a Tumblr blog than anything else. (IT’S MAH BLOG).

Review: Just Peachy – Holly Chishom

Review: Just Peachy – Holly Chishom

One of the things I love about going to the library is the serendipity that happens every time I go. I almost never go looking for a specific book: I just kinda wander around until I see something that looks interesting. My favorite places to look are on the return carts on the second floor [&hellip…

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