Look upon my works, ye mighty, and like, share, and subscribe.
Here are my projects, my works in progress, and my dumb ideas brought to life. There are projects marked as “completed”. That’s not to say I won’t revisit them but, if I do, it would be an update to something that actually works/worked as intended or a new version of it entirely (which would get it’s own listing). There are also “mini-projects” which are things I’ve made but don’t have a full write up or don’t need one.
Additionally, while this page is called “Projects”, there are projects I’ve made that are decidedly more works of media. They’ll be located in the Media section.
Small accent lamp made using wood, LED Strips, and 3d printed feet. 2 outlet powerstrip made from wood Art Deco lamp made from a small cookie tin, a car headlight bulb, and 3d printed parts Mini accent lamp Side table lamp with outlets Weathered and “Rusted” nerf gun made for Wasteland Weekend. a pair of swamp coolers Doggy ramp Mini all-in-one computer made from recycled back up camera screen and a raspberry pi zero W Mouse Jiggler with screen Table Lamp made from upcycled olive jar and hot chocolate tin Table lamp made from a Tea tin Portable Solar Generator with 10W panel Small accent lamp made with wood and 3d printed parts Me and my Cassette Tape Cabinet Lock USB-C Rechargeable Wooden Lantern 3D printed scoop vs metal scoop 3D Render of 30ml scoop. 3D Render of scoop